You Can Save Your Marriage
Maybe your "ex" is already seeing someone new. You may find this hard to believe, but even now, if you are willing to try a few simple techniques, you can help save your relationship, repair it and entice your partner willingly back into your life. You can save your marriage. There's no such thing as a perfect relationship, but a happy relationship can be a very real thing.
Everyone deserves a happy, fulfilling relationship. Can you remember the feelings you shared when you first fell in love, when you couldn't think about each other without smiling? Just being together was beautiful and the sensual chemistry was just magic! Now think about it... if you were like this once, it is certain you can have it back again.
Keeping romantic relationships alive is an acquired skill, but unfortunately, we have been given little, if any, training in this area. We have been left to fend for ourselves, so we make all the wrong mistakes. Unless we know how to correct them, these mistakes often destroy our relationships.
Here are some common relationship destroyers:
1 Asking friends and family for advice
2 Trying to reason with your partner
3 Promising him or her that you will change
4 Hoping or wishing the relationship will survive
5 Offering your partner reassurance
6 Telling him or her that you love her
7 Trying to work on the relationship
You might find some of the above hard to believe, but these things, when applied in an attempt to repair a relationship, actually drive your partner away. But you can rescue your relationship without saying a word to your partner! And believe me, you don't need to see a shrink or get expensive counselling. You can do this, even if your partner has moved out or refuses to speak with you.
Fixing your relationship often sets off a "domino effect" and other areas of your life start to improve soon after. It's a beautiful, but mysterious thing! It doesn't matter how bad the relationship has become. It doesn't matter how often you argue or even if you don't speak to each other. If you were happy once, you can follow a few simple steps and rescue your relationship.

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